1746 — 1828
Bobalicon – Tras el vicio viene el fornico (“Bobalicon” – Fornication comes after vices)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Disparate de Carnabal – Alegrias antruejo, que manana seras ceniza (Proverb on Carnival – Enjoy today’s festivities for tomorrow you will be ash)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Disparate Femenino – Pesa mas que un burro muerto (Proverb on Feminity – She weighs more than a dead donkey)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Si marina bayló, tome que hallé (When Marina danced it came with consequences)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Disparate Volante – Reniego al amigo que cubre con las alas y muerde con el pico (Proverb on Flying – Renounce the friend that protects you with his wings and kills you with his beak)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Disparate Furioso – Hizonos dios y maravillamos (Proverb on Folly – God made us and we were left astounded)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint
Disparate General – Unas gato y habito de beato (General Proverb – A wold in sheep’s clothing)
1816 23 (printed in 1864)
Etching and aquatint